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Many health issues are associated with addiction to opiates, alcohol and other substances.  These range from more minor, treatable conditions such as dental complications to more serious, treatable ones like Hepatitis C and HIV. Some cancers may occur associated with addictions as well.

We will endeavour to screen for such diseases, identify them early,  and assist your primary care practitioner in direction for treatment as necessary or organize care through our office, if you do not have a primary care practitioner.  

Also, with the very important association with early trauma, we would hope to assist in referral and supportive care with the Concurrent disorder addiction is part of (Concurrent disorder refers the simultaneous condition of having an addiction and an associated mental health condition such as Bipolar Disorder or Major Depressive Disorder).  

In this way, we hope to handle the conditions that limit improvement and maximize healthy outcomes. We hope to help launch people into the next level of recovery allowing reintegration into all the things that allow full participation in society-healthy family, job, housing and lifestyle.

An additional view of addiction in how it hijacks the brain is very well explained in the following article:

Harvard Mental Health Letter, July 2011

How addiction hijacks the brain

Assistance with other Medications: Welcome
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